Management Team

Md. Shah Jamal Howlader
Chief Executive Officer
Md. Shah Jamal Howlader

Syed Abdul Aziz
Company Secretary
(Head of HR & Legal)
Syed Abdul Aziz

ID No | : | 210002 |
Designation | : | Company Secretary, (Head of HR & Legal) |
Contact Number | : | +88 01784082266 |
Email Address | : | |
জনাব সৈয়দ আব্দুল আজিজ এনআরবি ইসলামিক লাইফ ইন্স্যুরেন্স লিমিটেড এর প্রতিষ্ঠালগ্ন থেকে কোম্পানি সেক্রেটারি, হেড অফ এইচআর এ্যান্ড লীগ্যাল পদে কর্মরত আছেন। এই প্রতিষ্ঠানে যোগদানের পূর্বে তিনি ডিএমডি এ্যান্ড কোম্পানি সেক্রেটারি পদে ফারইষ্ট ইসলামী লাইফ ইন্স্যুরেন্স কোম্পানিতে দীর্ঘ ১১ বছর কাজ করেছেন। এছাড়া তিনি দেশ ও বিদেশের বিভিন্ন আন্তর্জাতিক প্রতিষ্ঠানে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ পদে কাজ করেছেন। বাংলাদেশ সুপ্রিম কোর্ট, হোটেল ইন্টারকন্টিনেন্টাল, ঢাকা শেরাটন হোটেল এবং সৌদি আরবের জেদ্দায় হোটেল সফিটেল সহ অনেক প্রখ্যাত প্রতিষ্ঠানের সচিব, এইচ.আর, লীগ্যাল ও প্রশাসন বিভাগের প্রধান হিসেবে তার প্রায় ৩০ বছরের বর্নাঢ্য কর্মজীবনের অভিজ্ঞতা রয়েছে। জনাব সৈয়দ আজিজ ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের বাণিজ্যে ¯œাতক এবং পরবর্তীতে তিনি আইন বিষয়ে ¯œাতক এবং ¯œাতকোত্তর ডিগ্রী অর্জন করেন। পেশাগত শিক্ষায় তিনি সচিব বিজ্ঞানে ডিপ্লোমা, কোম্পানি সচিব কোর্স সম্পন্ন এবং মানব সম্পদ ব্যবস্থাপনায় ¯œাতকোত্তর ডিপ্লোমা অর্জন করেছেন। জনাব আজিজ ঢাকাস্থ জাতীয় আইন কলেজে ০৫ বছর অধ্যাপনা এবং জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের আইন বিভাগের পরীক্ষকের দায়িত্ব পালন করেন। তিনি মানব সম্পদ ব্যবস্থাপনা, আইন ও অন্যান্য বিষয়ে দেশ ও বিদেশে অনেক প্রশিক্ষণ কোর্সে অংশগ্রহণ করেছেন। তিনি বাংলাদেশ বার কাউন্সিল, বাংলাদেশ সুপ্রিম কোর্ট বার, ঢাকা মেট্রোপলিটন বার এবং ঢাকা ট্যাক্সেস বারের স্থায়ী সদস্য।
জনাব সৈয়দ আজিজ একজন বীর মুক্তিযোদ্ধা। তিনি বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রামে ৯নং সেক্টরের অধীনে সক্রিয়ভাবে মুক্তিযুদ্ধে অংশগ্রহণ করেছেন এবং ভারতে প্রশিক্ষনপ্রাপ্ত। তিনি ঝালকাঠি জেলার কাঁঠালিয়া উপজেলার শৌলজালিয়া ইউনিয়নের সম্ভ্রান্ত সৈয়দ পরিবারে ১৯৫৪ সালে জন্মগ্রহণ করেন।

Kazi S M Hanif
Senior Executive Vice President
Head of IT
Kazi S M Hanif

ID No | : | 210004 |
Designation | : | Senior Executive Vice President |
Contact Number | : | +88 01730797763 |
Email Address | : | |

Md. Mahamudul Islam
Executive Vice President
Head of Training & Research
Md. Mahamudul Islam

ID No | : | 210110 |
Designation | : | Executive Vice President, Head of Training & Research |
Contact Number | : | +88 01622-777100 |
Email Address | : | |
Mahmudul Islam, the renowned insurance personality of Bangladesh has chosen the insurance industry as his profession. He fully employed his mind, talent, labor and skills in the development of insurance sector. He is both a knowledge seeker and a knowledge distributor in the insurance sector. He is also a author on Insurance, Motivation, Sales & Marketing and presenter in the insurance industry. He is continuously and tirelessly working for the development and popularity of the insurance sector.
Mr. Mahmudul Islam involved himself with the insurance profession during his second year studies in Hons. While working in the insurance sales profession, hearing negative comments and various irrelevant arguments and objections, at first confused, but in the long run, it turned into a promise of success in the profession. He started reading a lot of books and attended regular trainings, seminars, workshops to increase his knowledge on insurance. Also try to get close to the established and successful people of the insurance sector. Mr. Islam has set a unique example in contemporary times by demonstrating the achievement of acquiring knowledge and practical application of insurance in a self-motivated manner. He has earned a special reputation by writing several books to enlighten and motivate insurance workers to relentless efforts. His published books are:
1. Jibon Bima keno Sobar Jonno Dorkari?
2. Bima Bebsai Agrogotir Kawsal
3. Leadership and Motivation
4. Bima Kormir Hatekhari
5. Bima Bikroy Jadu
6. Bima Sohaika
7. Power of Time Management
8. Sestho Bima Sangothak Hoar Upay
The above books have already gained immense popularity and have been recognized by the publishing circles as the best selling books on insurance. Moreover, the books written by him are already being used as reference books in terms of increasing the morale and knowledge of insurance workers and creating the mentality of unity in achieving success. He is constantly striving to develop trained insurance professionals with the aim of developing and developing the insurance industry in Bangladesh. He is the first to broadcast public awareness talks and training on regular insurance in Bengali on YouTube through Agrogoti Online TV completely free of charge. In his presentation, the talk show entitled 'Insurance Career Alapon' is being aired regularly on the first Friday of every month on Agrogoti Online TV on Facebook and YouTube. Currently, this talk show is at the peak of popularity in the insurance sector. The traditional insurance experts of the country participate in this talk show and organize and present insurance related question and answer program "Bima Jiggasa" through Facebook and YouTube on the last Friday of every month in order to answer various questions of the public and remove negative perceptions about insurance.
Mr. Mahmudul Islam has been working with good reputation in various positions in the development department for more than a century in the insurance career and now joins the renowned insurance company NRB Islamic Life Insurance Ltd. on 14 October 2021 as the head of the "Training and Research" department for the sake of developing the insurance industry. Passed BBS (Hons), MBS (Management) with merit in Institutional Education. He then pursued Post Graduation Diploma in Human Resource Management, Post Graduation Diploma in Sales and Digital Marketing and LLB. He was born in Panchbibi upazila of Joypurhat district. He is the father of one son and one daughter, a very happy man in personal life.
Mr. Mahmudul Islam involved himself with the insurance profession during his second year studies in Hons. While working in the insurance sales profession, hearing negative comments and various irrelevant arguments and objections, at first confused, but in the long run, it turned into a promise of success in the profession. He started reading a lot of books and attended regular trainings, seminars, workshops to increase his knowledge on insurance. Also try to get close to the established and successful people of the insurance sector. Mr. Islam has set a unique example in contemporary times by demonstrating the achievement of acquiring knowledge and practical application of insurance in a self-motivated manner. He has earned a special reputation by writing several books to enlighten and motivate insurance workers to relentless efforts. His published books are:
1. Jibon Bima keno Sobar Jonno Dorkari?
2. Bima Bebsai Agrogotir Kawsal
3. Leadership and Motivation
4. Bima Kormir Hatekhari
5. Bima Bikroy Jadu
6. Bima Sohaika
7. Power of Time Management
8. Sestho Bima Sangothak Hoar Upay
The above books have already gained immense popularity and have been recognized by the publishing circles as the best selling books on insurance. Moreover, the books written by him are already being used as reference books in terms of increasing the morale and knowledge of insurance workers and creating the mentality of unity in achieving success. He is constantly striving to develop trained insurance professionals with the aim of developing and developing the insurance industry in Bangladesh. He is the first to broadcast public awareness talks and training on regular insurance in Bengali on YouTube through Agrogoti Online TV completely free of charge. In his presentation, the talk show entitled 'Insurance Career Alapon' is being aired regularly on the first Friday of every month on Agrogoti Online TV on Facebook and YouTube. Currently, this talk show is at the peak of popularity in the insurance sector. The traditional insurance experts of the country participate in this talk show and organize and present insurance related question and answer program "Bima Jiggasa" through Facebook and YouTube on the last Friday of every month in order to answer various questions of the public and remove negative perceptions about insurance.
Mr. Mahmudul Islam has been working with good reputation in various positions in the development department for more than a century in the insurance career and now joins the renowned insurance company NRB Islamic Life Insurance Ltd. on 14 October 2021 as the head of the "Training and Research" department for the sake of developing the insurance industry. Passed BBS (Hons), MBS (Management) with merit in Institutional Education. He then pursued Post Graduation Diploma in Human Resource Management, Post Graduation Diploma in Sales and Digital Marketing and LLB. He was born in Panchbibi upazila of Joypurhat district. He is the father of one son and one daughter, a very happy man in personal life.

Muhammad Abdullah Al Jubaer
Executive Vice President
Head of Dev Admin
Muhammad Abdullah Al Jubaer

ID No | : | 210122 |
Designation | : | Executive Vice President, Head of Dev Admin |
Contact Number | : | +88 01717215117 |
Email Address | : | |
Mr. Muhammad Abdullah Al Jubaer, son of Md. Farid Uddin & Mst. Khaleda farid was born in a renowned Muslim family in Bauphal upazila of Patuakhali
district, known as Sagarkanya Kuakata. His father is a Heroic Freedom Fighter. He completed Master Degree in ‘Islamic Studies’ from National
University. He has over 20 years of experience in the life insurance sector. Mr. Jubaer started his career in Prime Islami Life Insurance in
2001 as a Junior Officer in the Department of Development Administration. He has since served with distinction at Sun Life, Golden Life and
Pragati Life Insurance's Head Office in Branch Control, MD's Secretariat, Customer Service, Training and Development Administration Department.
He has extensive knowledge and administrative skills in the life insurance profession. In addition to insurance companies, he has received extensive
training from various government and non-government organizations and has participated in many seminars and symposiums on insurance and financial
sector. He visited many countries of the world.
A multi-talented insurance professional, he is also a poet and a popular reciter. His articles and poem appear in the leading finance journals and newspapers in Bangladesh and India. Mr. Jubaer is the Central Organizing Secretary of the Passenger Rights Protection Council, a Govt. registered well-known social service organization in the country. In personal life he is the proud father of two daughters.
A multi-talented insurance professional, he is also a poet and a popular reciter. His articles and poem appear in the leading finance journals and newspapers in Bangladesh and India. Mr. Jubaer is the Central Organizing Secretary of the Passenger Rights Protection Council, a Govt. registered well-known social service organization in the country. In personal life he is the proud father of two daughters.

Mohammad Abu Hasan
Executive Vice President
Chief Financial Officer
Mohammad Abu Hasan

ID No | : | 210167 |
Designation | : | Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer |
Contact Number | : | +88 01732074141 |
Email Address | : | |
Mohammad Abu Hasan son of Md. Sanawar Hossain and Fardous Mohal was born 1st January, 1976 in Dhaka. He has completed M. Com (Accounting) from National University of Dhaka, Master of Tax Management (MTM), Under University of Dhaka, ITP (Income Tax Practitioner), Under National Board of Revenue and Member of Dhaka Taxes Bar Association and also member of Vat Professional Forum (BVPFVAT Forum).
He started his Life Insurance career from 02 October, 2006 to 30th September, 2008 as a Joint Assistant Vice President (JAVP)-Finance & Accounts in Golden Life Insurance Ltd., Worked as a Deputy Manager-Finance & Accounts in Sandhani Life Insurance Ltd. From 05 October,2008 to 30th September,2011, Worked as a Assistant Manager-Finance & Accounts in Padma Group of Converters from 1st October,2011 to 25th August,2013, Worked as a Chief Financial Officer(CFO) in Best Life Insurance Ltd. and currently working in NRB Islamic Life Insurance Ltd. As a Chief Financial Officer from 1st March, 2022 to till date. Overall, Mr. Mohammad Abu Hasan is a remarkable and visionary life insurance professional that has made significant contributions to the insurance industry with his expertise on finance and Accounts and Life Insurance operations, he has demonstrated exceptional leadership and a commitment to delivering outstanding services. His strong engagements and dynamic leadership management skills continue to inspire and empower professionals in the insurance field.
He started his Life Insurance career from 02 October, 2006 to 30th September, 2008 as a Joint Assistant Vice President (JAVP)-Finance & Accounts in Golden Life Insurance Ltd., Worked as a Deputy Manager-Finance & Accounts in Sandhani Life Insurance Ltd. From 05 October,2008 to 30th September,2011, Worked as a Assistant Manager-Finance & Accounts in Padma Group of Converters from 1st October,2011 to 25th August,2013, Worked as a Chief Financial Officer(CFO) in Best Life Insurance Ltd. and currently working in NRB Islamic Life Insurance Ltd. As a Chief Financial Officer from 1st March, 2022 to till date. Overall, Mr. Mohammad Abu Hasan is a remarkable and visionary life insurance professional that has made significant contributions to the insurance industry with his expertise on finance and Accounts and Life Insurance operations, he has demonstrated exceptional leadership and a commitment to delivering outstanding services. His strong engagements and dynamic leadership management skills continue to inspire and empower professionals in the insurance field.

Md. Moheuddin
Executive Vice President
Head of Underwriting
Md. Moheuddin

ID No | : | 210699 |
Designation | : | Executive Vice President and HoD |
Contact Number | : | 01677125656 |
Email Address | : | |
When all the companies are striving for the digitization, it is not uncommon for any company to work for the digitalization to provide better customer service. My great passion is bringing Underwriting, Reinsurance Claim Department digitalized and unique through technology.
I know that no single approach is the right one for every individual, and so I have been completed different insurance courses including Associateship from Bangladesh Insurance Academy with “Tyzer Award”, Certificate Level from Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), Post Graduate Diploma in Actuarial Science from East West University and the Licentiate Course from Insurance Institute of India (III).
I have vast experience of 14 years in insurance sector in Underwriting, Reinsurance, Claim, Policy Servicing and Group Insurance Department which enrich me with a great corporate exposure. I help my company and producers, to find healthy perceptions of themselves and strengthen their relationships so they can know themselves as peaceful, complete and digitalized.
Md. Moheuddin holds MBA in Finance from East West University & BBA in Finance from University of Development Alternative (UODA) and PGD in Actuarial Science from East West University. He also completed the Associateship from Bangladesh Insurance Academy (BIA), qualification of Cert CII from CII (UK) and Licentiate Course from Insurance Institute of India (III). Mr. Moheuddin is possessed multiple skills covering many fields including Underwriting, Reinsurance, Customer Relationship Management, Claims Department and Group Insurance Division. He has 14 years of hands-on working experience in different Life Insurance which gives him a great corporate exposer.

Shaheen Akhter
Vice President
Dept of Establishment & Legal
Shaheen Akhter

ID No | : | 210039 |
Designation | : | VP, Dept of Establishment & Legal |
Contact Number | : | +88 01732229999 |
Email Address | : | |
Shaheen Akhter Tuli has established herself as a diligent and competent employee who has succeeded by carrying out her assigned duties at national and international levels. In her line of work, she has a successful career of 27 years. She started her remarkable career by working for Desh Group. She subsequently held key positions in IDLC Finance Limited, Grameenphone Limited, LM Ericsson Bangladesh Limited, The City Bank Limited, and Robi Axiata Limited. She even founded the graphic design outsourcing enterprise, DGTouch and is a flourishing entrepreneur as well.
Shaheen Akhtar Tuli graduated from Rajshahi University with LLB (Hons, Bachelor of Law) and LLM (Master of Laws).
She has taken part several domestic and international training programs. Some of are mentioned below:
. Finance for non-financial manager, Dhaka
. PROPS-C for Project Managers Simcon, Sweden
. Manager Recruitment Training (MRT), Dhaka
. Change Management, Strategic Thinking & Planning Teams Work, Malaysia
. Leadership skill development, Adventure based learning Malaysia
. Customize training on Site Acquisition, DIGI, Malaysia
. Profitable Negotiation, Tack Training International, Nepal
. The Magic of Time & Challenging the Norms, Tack Training International, Nepal
. Business Communication, British Council, Dhaka
Her birthplace is in Khanjanpur under Jaipurhat district where she was born into an aristocratic family. She is happily married and a proud mother of two kids.
She has taken part several domestic and international training programs. Some of are mentioned below:
. Finance for non-financial manager, Dhaka
. PROPS-C for Project Managers Simcon, Sweden
. Manager Recruitment Training (MRT), Dhaka
. Change Management, Strategic Thinking & Planning Teams Work, Malaysia
. Leadership skill development, Adventure based learning Malaysia
. Customize training on Site Acquisition, DIGI, Malaysia
. Profitable Negotiation, Tack Training International, Nepal
. The Magic of Time & Challenging the Norms, Tack Training International, Nepal
. Business Communication, British Council, Dhaka
Her birthplace is in Khanjanpur under Jaipurhat district where she was born into an aristocratic family. She is happily married and a proud mother of two kids.

Mohammad Harun-Ur-Rashid
Deputy Manager
Internal Audit, Control & Compliance
Mohammad Harun-Ur-Rashid

ID No | : | 210016 |
Designation | : | Deputy Manager, Internal Audit, Control & Compliance |
Contact Number | : | +88 01556332531 |
Email Address | : | |
Mohammad Harun-Ur-Rashid, the son of Abul Kalam M Ishaque and Hosnara Begum, was born on January 1, 1978, in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He received his early education from the prestigious Motijheel Government Boys High School and later pursued his higher studies at Dhaka College.
In 2001, Mohammad Harun-Ur-Rashid successfully completed his B. Com (Pass) degree. Following his graduation, he embarked on his professional journey by joining Prime Islami Life Insurance Limited, where he dedicated 14 years of service from 2006 to 2020. During his tenure at the company, he exhibited exceptional skills and contributed significantly to its growth and success.
In May 2021, Mohammad Harun-Ur-Rashid joined NRB Islamic Life Insurance, where he continues to excel in his career. He possesses extensive practical knowledge in the audit department and has actively participated in various training programs conducted by the company's training department. These training programs have focused on areas such as Accounts, VAT Tax Management, Money Laundering, and more. Additionally, he has also attended training sessions at the Bangladesh Insurance Academy (BIA).
Furthermore, Mohammad Harun-Ur-Rashid has participated in several seminars and symposiums related to Accounts and VAT Tax Management. He strives to stay updated with the latest developments in his field and constantly enhances his professional expertise.
Outside of his professional pursuits, Mohammad Harun-Ur-Rashid is a devoted father to two boys, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
In May 2021, Mohammad Harun-Ur-Rashid joined NRB Islamic Life Insurance, where he continues to excel in his career. He possesses extensive practical knowledge in the audit department and has actively participated in various training programs conducted by the company's training department. These training programs have focused on areas such as Accounts, VAT Tax Management, Money Laundering, and more. Additionally, he has also attended training sessions at the Bangladesh Insurance Academy (BIA).
Furthermore, Mohammad Harun-Ur-Rashid has participated in several seminars and symposiums related to Accounts and VAT Tax Management. He strives to stay updated with the latest developments in his field and constantly enhances his professional expertise.
Outside of his professional pursuits, Mohammad Harun-Ur-Rashid is a devoted father to two boys, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.